Environmental consultancy and administrative litigation practice

In the consultancy practice, the consultant provides assistance to national and foreign clients of many sectors with respect to environmental licensing, regularization of permanent preserved areas and legal reserve, water resources management, reforestation and management planning, biotechnology, clean development mechanism - CDM sectors and other matters related to climate change, management of contaminated areas (brownfields) and solid wastes, recovery of degraded areas, compliance audits, due diligences on merger and aquisition, working in association with specialized technical consultancy companies in engineering, biology, geology, ecology, chemistry, geography and other areas.

The administrative litigation practice encompasses filing and monitoring of administrative proceedings under way in environmental agencies (local, state and federal) and the District Attorney’s Office (state and federal), as well as assistance, preparation and referring of Settlement Agreement (Termo de Ajustamento de Conduta – TAC) or similar commitments and agreements. Experience in meetings and direct contact with public authorities, including the National Environmental Council [Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente – Conama], the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources [Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis – Ibama], and Environmental Departments and Agencies, whether local or state.